Is Your Commercial Property Sales And Leasing Strategy Up To Par? A Practical Health Check For Australian Property Owners

Selling or leasing a commercial property in Australia is no small feat and in a crowded market like ours, it’s easy to miss opportunities or make missteps that could cost you. At Osborne George, we often find that even seasoned property owners can benefit from taking a step back and doing a health check on their commercial properties’ sales and leasing strategies.

If you’re gearing up to sell or have been trying to lease without much luck, it might be time to reassess your approach.

Are You Timing It Right?

In the property market, timing is everything. While you can’t control the market, you can certainly plan your sale to coincide with favourable conditions. Look at recent sales data, interest rates and local economic factors. If the market is trending upward, it might be worth holding out for a better price. On the flip side, if there are signs of a downturn, it could be smarter to act fast.

But timing isn’t just about market conditions. Think about seasonal trends, too. For example, the Australian commercial market often sees more activity towards the end of the financial year, as businesses look to invest before 30 June.

Who’s Your Target Audience?

Understanding who is most likely to buy your property is crucial. This is where many sellers fall short. Are you appealing to the right buyers? For instance, a high-rise office building in Sydney’s CBD might attract corporate buyers or investors, while a smaller retail space in a growing suburb could be perfect for a local business owner looking to expand.

Consider how you’re reaching these potential buyers. Are you marketing your property where they are most active? If your property isn’t getting the attention you expected, it could be because your strategy isn’t aligned with your audience.

This is where our expertise in targeted marketing can make a significant difference, helping you connect with the right buyers through data-driven tactics.

First Impressions Matter—Are You Making the Right One?

When was the last time you took a critical look at your property through a buyer’s eyes? The presentation can make or break a deal. If your property looks tired or outdated, you might be turning off potential buyers before they’ve even had a chance to consider the location or the price.

Simple updates—like a fresh coat of paint, decluttering the space or even investing in professional staging—can significantly enhance your property’s appeal. Don’t underestimate the power of high-quality photos and virtual tours, especially in today’s digital-first world.

Are You Leveraging Technology?

In an age where everyone is online, your property needs to stand out in digital listings. Are you making the most of the technology available? High-quality virtual tours, engaging listings and targeted online ads can put your property in front of the right people.

Osborne George uses advanced tools to track how buyers interact with listings, giving us insights that help refine your marketing strategy. We can adjust the approach based on what’s working and what isn’t so your property doesn’t just sit idle on the market.

What’s Your Negotiation Game Plan?

Even if you’ve nailed the timing, marketing and presentation, a poor negotiation strategy can derail a sale. Are you confident in your ability to close the deal at the right price? This is where having an experienced team by your side is invaluable.

At Osborne George, we don’t just list properties—we advocate for you throughout the negotiation process, ensuring you get the best possible outcome. We bring local market knowledge, experience and a keen understanding of buyer psychology to the table, helping you navigate the often tricky negotiations with confidence.

Ready for a Check-Up?

[CTA] If any of these points have you second-guessing your current commercial properties’ sales and leasing approach, it might be time for a strategy overhaul. Our team is here to help you reassess and refine your strategy so your commercial properties hit the market at the right time, appeal to the right buyers and ultimately sell for the right price.

Contact us to discuss how our property management expertise can help you build wealth and realise your long-term goals.

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